Wintersun Eskies

~ INT'L Ch./AKC Ch./UKC Gr. Ch./C-ATCH Wintersun's In The Moment ("TASHA") , CD, MX, MXJ, OF, RE, CGC / UAGI / N-NAC, NCC, O-NJC, O-TN-N, WV-N ~


Dam:  INT'L Ch./AKC Ch./UKC Gr.Ch. Wintersun Fox' Tia Rhumba, AOM, TT (see Tia)

Sire:  UKC Ch. Sujo's Right On Target (see Arrow)


Tasha had a baby boy!!!  Go to his page here!

New AKC Champion!

10 weeks

Tasha obtained her UKC Championship in one weekend at age 6 months, taking five Best Female major wins.  This was her first time out in the show rings, and she really enjoyed herself.  She gets along so well with all people and other dogs.

Her first weekend of AKC shows, when she was 8 months, she won Winner's Bitch and Best of Opposite all four days, plus a Bred-By Group 3 and a Puppy Group 2!

Puppy Group 2

At her next AKC shows, she won Winner's Bitch and Best of Opposite five out of six shows!

Me & Tash - Saying Goodbye :( Tash & Tammy :)

It was so hard to say goodbye, but BabyTash is living with Tammy Powers in Ohio, and having a wonderful time!  She started agility training with Tammy, and began racking up the titles in a very short time!  Tammy also got Tasha's first AKC major (4 points), and she just needs one more finish!

Tasha Chasing Taffee

Taffee Chasing Tasha


The Prize I won, neener neener!

Tasha loves to P-L-A-Y with Taffee and Winston, but most of all this girl LOVES agility!

Little Powerhouse!

This is why she works so hard!


Tasha also got her CGC and Rally Novice title without even training for it!  Here's her mom's funny story about the CGC test:  Weather was yuckie… I was bored, so decided to call my friend who I knew was giving tests for Delta Society today and ask her if she would test Tasha for her CGC.  She said yes, so I packed Tasha up and away we went to Shiners Hospital.  She was a hit with the visitors and loved the Hospital. Why wouldn't she, with everyone telling her how pretty she was and cute, loving and petting on her.  She was an attention getter.  LoL!  She even was not scared of the Hospital riding floor machine/scrubber.  She barked /growled at it, then went up to it, sniffed it and jumped on top of it.  Everyone started laughing, especially when she decided she had to go check out the room where it came from to make sure no more of those green monsters were going to come out.  LoL!  Well… you know she “PASSED”  No Doubt!!!  The Evaluator was saying that while I left the lobby area for the 3 minutes (went and hid in the restrooms), she stood like a little statue the entire time (no pulling, no whining, no wiggles, no paying attention to the evaluator).  She did not bat an eye… just stood and did not drop her eyes from the hall I went down, after I told her to “STAY”.  She was such a good little girl.


What all those letters mean in Tasha's name:

IABCA Title:  INT'L CH (International Champion - UCI)

AKC Titles:  CH (AKC Champion), MX (Master Excellent - standard courses), MXJ (Master Excellent Jumpers - jumper w/weaves courses), OF (Open Fast - distance challenge and point game), RE (Rally Excellent), CGC (Canine Good Citizen)

UKC Titles:  GR CH (Grand Champion), UAGI (UKC Agility I)

CPE Titles (Canine Performance Events):  C-ATCH is the CPE Agility Trial Champion title, the equivalent of a MACH in AKC, and she finished it with a 1st Place!  Go Tasha!!!  This title requires 10 qualifying legs in Level 5 Standard, 5 qualifying legs in Level 5 Handler Colors, 5 qualifying legs in Level 5 Handler Wildcard, 5 qualifying legs in Level 5 Strategy Snooker, 5 qualifying legs in Level 5 Strategy Jackpot, 5 qualifying legs in Level 5 Fun FullHouse, and 5 qualifying legs in Level 5 Fun Jumpers.

NADAC Titles (North American Dog Agility Council):  N-NAC (Outstanding Novice Agility Courses), NCC (Novice Chances Courses), O-NJC (Outstanding Jumpers Courses), O-TN-N (Outstanding Tunnelers - Novice), WV-N (Weavers - Novice)

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See Tasha's baby pics (she is "Girl 1")

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