~ LEO ~
Dam: INT'L Ch./AKC Ch./UKC Gr.Ch. Wintersun Fox' Tia Rhumba, AOM, TT (see Tia)
Sire: AKC Ch./UKC Gr.Ch./Canadian Rarities Ch. Staker's Tikis Dream Maker, AOM (see Wizard)
Leo obtained his UKC Championship in one weekend at age 7 1/2 months, taking two Best Male major wins, two Best of Winners and one Best of Breed. Then, at 14 months, he won Champion of Champions over 12 entries, Best of Breed, Group 1 and Best In Multi-Breed Show . I didn't take him back out until 21 months, and he won four more Champion of Champions wins over 10 entries and 12 entries, and he obtained his Grand Champion title a month later. He finished his AKC Championship out of the Bred-By classes at age 8 months, taking a Bred-By Group 1 and a Bred-By Group 4 in the process, which qualified him to compete in the 2005 AKC Eukanuba National Championship. He also finished his International Championship with three consecutive V-1 ratings, the highest possible rating a judge can assign. He loved the show ring! (even though he could be a goofball at times)
Leo had excellent structure and was agile and well-balanced. His good front and rear angulation gave him beautiful reach and drive, and his sound hocks and pasterns contributed to his correct, frictionless, single-tracking movement both front and rear. He had a nice tailset with proper length of tail (which was always wagging), a handsome earset, and a beautiful coat with that sparkly silver-tipped look.
He was very playful and energetic and loved to carry little squeaky toys around, even in the practice ring, and he never hesitated for a game of fetch. He was also a great little traveler, no trouble at all, and was at ease and endlessly happy in the show ring just as he was at home. He loved everybody and is missed terribly. Rest in peace my sweet affectionate baby boy.
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See Leo's baby pics
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