1 girl born January 12, 2018
click here for puppy's pedigree
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Born 5.5 ounces, tiny but strong!
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Day 1, 6.0 ounces
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Day 3, 8 ounces and sweet as ever, very snuggly.
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1 Week, 12 ounces.
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2 Weeks, 1 lb. 5 ounces.
She's growing very strong, and on her birthday today she's become quite playful.
She mouthed my hand, and pawed, and rolled over and kicked.
Sweet girl, and really nice substance, and oh my gosh that Face!
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Bonus Pix! Her eyes opened at 16 days.
She was very active. I had to follow her around with the camera.
I got a lot of blurry pictures.
Then she conked out.
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Day 17, trying to play. Strong in front, still trying to keep those back legs under her belly.
Before I got the camera on her, she had her whole big mouth on the end of that toy!
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February 2, 2018 - For pup's 3 week birthday, she got moved to the kitchen/living area
so she can be exposed to more household signs and sounds. She's 1 lb. 13 oz.
She also had stuff to say!
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February 4, 2018 - 23 Days, showing off her glorious puppy coat.
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February 7, 2018 - 26 Days, impersonating a tribble
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4 Weeks Already!
Getting more playful!
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5 Weeks, and time is flying by!
Cuter every day!
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6 Weeks
Turn the volume down on this video, as her headstand makes me laugh out loud!
First venture to the office...
And to the puppy grandparents for a visit...
And meeting Bo the kitty, and ignoring him...
And first snow!
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6 1/2 Weeks
Just being cute so I had to take some pictures.
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7 Weeks
Play time with mama Ember (early in the morning before dawn).
Social visit to the salon where she got to meet lots of people. She was a very good girl!
Play time with grandma Risha while mama Ember worked the treadmill.
Later in the video, Bella has a bone the pup might like to steal, but she doesn't.
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©2018 Wintersun Eskies and Lenise Redding