Wintersun Eskies

~ DIVA ~


Dam:  INT'L Ch./AKC Ch./UKC Gr.Ch. Wintersun Fox' Tia Rhumba, AOM, TT (see Tia)

Sire:  AKC Ch./UKC Ch. Carara Fox Echoing Wind (see Echo)

6 months

Best of Winners, Best of Opposite @ 6 months

at the AKC match @ 4 months

smile :)

20 weeks

AKC CH. / UKC CH. Wintersun's Indigo Dream ("Diva") is 13 1/2" and was born December 9, 2004.  At her first AKC shows she picked up three AKC majors and a Bred-By Group 2, and she finished her AKC Championship with a 5-point major.  She finished her UKC Championship at age 8 1/2 months.


She is such an athletic girl, with beautiful movement and a gorgeous face, one you cannot keep your eyes off of, and oh so smart!  Unfortunately, she developed tiny specks of cataracts in both eyes by age 17 months, and so we could not keep her in our breeding program.


She is now retired from showing and is living her dream life with Deb and Kelly here in Boise, with littermate brother Biscuit, and Golden Retriever sister Gracie.  She has learned how to swim, enthusiastically albeit somewhat ungracefully, and loves to hike in the woods and explore, give the neighbor's Yorkies a good talking to, play chase with Biscuit, and fetch balls (Gracie calls them "orbs").  Since she can't quite compete with Gracie in orb retrieving, she knows Deb or Kelly will always throw a second one just for her, so she waits.  Kelly is her favorite snugglebug in the morning, and she is also warming up to him at other times of the day, especially if he has orbs!  We miss her terribly here at Wintersun, but know she is happy and loved at "Club Deb" (as Kelly calls it).

Here's Deb with Biscuit, Vina, Diva and Gracie

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See Diva's baby pics

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