Wintersun Eskies

Bella x Crispy Pups

4 boys born February 15, 2018

click here for puppies' pedigree

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The 4 boys were born weighing 6.5 oz., 7 oz., 5.5 oz. and 5 oz.


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1 Week

Here they are at 1 week old, now weighing 12 oz., 12.5 oz., 10 oz. and 10 oz.


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2 Weeks

Precious eyes are starting to open,

so photos were taken in dim light and then brightened with my photo editor.

Top:  Boy 4, Boy 1     Bottom:  Boy 2, Boy 3


Boy 1, 1 lb. 5 oz.



Boy 2, 1 lb. 6 oz.


Boy 3, 1 lb. 1 oz.


Boy 4, 1 lb. 1 oz.

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3 Weeks

Time to move into the kitchen nook area to get more exposure to household sounds and the other dogs.


Starting top right going clockwise:

Boy 3, 1 lb. 6 oz. / Boy 1, 1 lb. 12.5 oz. / Boy 4, 1 lb. 10 oz. / Boy 2, 1 lb. 15 oz.

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4 Weeks


This is Boy 1,  you can see mama Bella's watchful nose on the right.


At 4 weeks, the boys are getting more playful and active.  Now that they're not tripping over their own feet, I'll start adding new toys every day, and rotating some out.  They're also starting to be weaned, very messy eaters (and funny!), but they will get better at it.  This video is on their 4 week birthday.


We introduced the Bella x Crispy girl (9 weeks) to the boys (4 weeks).  They all engaged and played quite a bit, which I supervised very closely for a good while before I deemed it safe to go grab the phone for video.  By then, the 3 boys got tired and ready for a nap, except Boy 1 who wanted to keep playing.  Girl pup was actually really gentle, even though she looks crazy silly.

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5 Weeks

Really starting to fill up their "bedroom."


                  Boy 1                                                          Boy 2



                Boy 3                                                   Boy 4


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5 Weeks, 2 days

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5 Weeks, 3 days

Boys 3, 4 and 1

Boy 1

                     Boy 2                                                                               Boy 3


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6 Weeks


Boys 2, 1 and 4


Boy 1


Boy 2 (and 3 sleeping)


Boy 3



Boy 4



Boys and dead squirrel

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6 Weeks, 2 Days





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7 Weeks

Socialization is very important, so they get a lot of visitors

and go on many social visits . . . sometimes I remember to take pictures.


Boy 1



Boy 2



Boy 3



Boy 4



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7 Weeks, 2 Days

The jail gang, waiting patiently for grub.

Boys 2 - 3 - 4 - 1

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7 Weeks, 3 Days

Sometimes they sleep...

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7 Weeks, 4 Days

More socialization time




Boy 1



Boy 2



Boy 3



Boy 4


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Almost 8 Weeks

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8 Weeks

Started crate training the boys last night, they all did really well, no accidents.  :)

One of the things I do besides crate training, is spending alone-time with each of them so they get used to being separate from their littermates.  This makes for an easier transition to their new homes in a few weeks.


Boy 3

Today was Boy 3's turn to hang out in the bathroom with me while I got ready for work. He was a little nervous at first, but he came around after a few minutes when I put him down by the toys.  The other picture is during a social visit last night.


Boy 4

All the boys have been doing great with crate training, even starting to go in on their own when tired and I place them in front. Today is Boy 4's turn for alone time with me. He's sleepy, I got a late start so had to wake him up. A tad nervous at first, he's only been up here once with Boy 3, but toys make everything better. Now he's sleeping under my chair.


Boy 2

Boy 2 gets his turn to hangout with me this morning.  He was pretty busy, it took me a while to get photos.  He did have an opps on the tile, my bad, I forgot to remind him where the piddle pads were.  Second time he went on the piddle pads on  his own.  Good boy!



Boy 1

Busy Boy 1 also knows how to relax at times. I showed him the piddle pads when I brought him up, and an hour later that's where he piddled. Who says puppies have short memories? He's going to need an engaging home where he has good leadership and boundaries. He's fearless, this one.



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8 Weeks, 2 Days

Boy 2 - Boy 4 - Boy 1 - Boy 3


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9 Weeks

The boys had a visitor today, the first of today's three planned socializations.  And yes, each one got held several times, but that would have been an hour long video.  They begin Boy 4, 2, 3, 1.



Boy 2 getting used to his leash and learning he's not allowed to chew on it even if it "accidentally" goes in his mouth when he was chewing his bone.



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10 Weeks

Just for fun, a video of the boys playing with Cinder (15 weeks).



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11 Weeks

Boy 2, so sweet



Silly Boy 2 having fun playing during our hang out time this morning.

Here's one more.  He was really playful this morning, so I decided to have him learn a little something.


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©2018 Wintersun Eskies and Lenise Redding